Papers: Pion Design.
DT creation for SrappWeb.
Stamp: Bildmålarna
Die: Magnolia
DT Creation for Bildmålarna.
1 lovely visitor made me happy with a comment, thanks! »
DT creation for ScrapButiken.
Template: Sandras Scrapshop.
4 lovely visitors made me happy with comments, thanks! »
Stamp: Flonz.
Die: Cheery Lynn & Nellie Snellen
I´ve made this bottle pocket/tag for the challenge at Cheery Lynn Designs.
You have to add a door or a window, and you have to use
at least one Cheery Lynn die on your creation.
My door is behind the mans back.
7 lovely visitors made me happy with comments, thanks! »
Stamp: Bombshell Stamps.
I´m participating i a challenge at Cheery Lynn Designs.
The rules this time is to use a Cheery Lynn die of course, and “bling it up“.