3 September 2011 was Ingvild Bolme in Sweden at CountryScrap in Uddevalla.
I helped Susanne (the owner of CountryScrap) & Ingvild at the Work Shop.
It was fun to meet Ingvild, and to take part in her work shop.
She had many good ideas and some great tools
that she was the designer of for PrimaMarketing.
The participants of Ingvilds Work Shop.
And the group again, with Ingvild in the middle.
This last picture I borrowed from Ingvilds blog.
In the background you can see Susanne (in black),
me (in grey) and Sandy (in white).
Thank you everyone for a lovely day/evening.
I have bought Ingvilds two “Cutting Mats”, size 5×7 tum och
26×19 tum. I also bought the “Distressing Tool” and lots of
“Chalk Fluid Edger” in some different colors.