This sweet little boy is named “Sweet Incorrigibility” and is
a rubberstamp made by Elisabeth Bell.
This is an inspiration card for Sweet Pea Stamps.
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This sweet little boy is named “Sweet Incorrigibility” and is
a rubberstamp made by Elisabeth Bell.
This is an inspiration card for Sweet Pea Stamps.
Stamps: Sweet Pea.
DT Creation for Sweet Pea.
Template: Carina.
Stamp: Vilda Stamps.
DT Creation for Vilda Stamps.
You can find the template here.
The template was made by Carina.
Take a look at her blog with so many gorgeous creations!
Stamps: Bildmålarna.
DT Creation: Bildmålarna.
Det här är ett DT-uppdrag för CountryScrap.
Pappren är från Bo Bunny.
This is a DT creation for CountryScrap.
The papers are from Bo Bunny.