This suitcase is made for the CyberCrop
at Scraplagret. Stephi has made the template,
and you can find it here.
DT Creation for Reprint.
20 lovely visitors made me happy with comments, thanks! »
This suitcase is made for the CyberCrop
at Scraplagret. Stephi has made the template,
and you can find it here.
DT Creation for Reprint.
I never do LO´s, but at a challenge last weekend I did one.
And… I won! 1st prize! So fun! Thanks to everyone who
voted for this one! The texts say three words about me:
Realistic, Strong-willed, Comfortable
Paper: Bo Bunny.
DT creation for Reprint.
Papers are Reprints too.
Stamps, papers and everything: Reprint.
DT Creation for Reprint.
Stamp: Sweet Pea.
DT creation for Mikaela ScrapIn.
Jag stämplade motivet med distressfärgen Pumice Stone.
Jag tyckte om att motivet blev i en ljus nyans. Sen har jag
målat motivet med distresserna Pumice Stone och Victorian Velvet.
I´ve used the distress ink Pumice stone when I stamped the motive.
I like that the motiv been so soft. After that I´ve painted the
motive with the distresses Pumice Stone and Victorian Velvet.
Stamps: Vilda Stamps, Reprint
Stamp: Kort Og Godt
Papers: Graphic 45
Stamps: Bildmålarna.
DT creation
Papers: Pion Design