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Roses and friends


This is my second serie of ATC cards.
In this serie I´ve made 4 of the same look.
This is a DT creation for Reprint.
Backside stamp: Vilda Stamps.



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5 Responses to “Roses and friends”

Anna Lilja

Så vackra!

La Vikinga

Vilka jättegulliga; det var väl en toppenidé att inte ha korten alldeles fyrkantiga utan i lite annorlunda form!
Charlotta/ La Vikinga

Reply by Milo Lilja, April 2nd, 2013 at 18:41

Tack! 🙂 ja, jag är ju lite allergisk mot raka kanter. Haha! Kram


underbara, åå så fina

Reply by Milo Lilja, April 2nd, 2013 at 18:18

Vad roligt att du tycker om dem! Tack!! 🙂

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Milo Lilja
    Swedish - 48 y.o.
    Mom to 2 adults.
    Love cats
    NEED to create.

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