This is a very easy way to make a nice and decorative flower.
At the picture you can see what you need. If you don´t have
these things, maybe you can use some other similar things.
Fold the punched paper back and forth, and glue it together
in the end. You have to hold down the paper in the middle,
or it will run away.
Glue a piece of paper at the back of the flower, so it will stay in that form.
Glue a piece of paper at the front.
You can use any flower punch you have,
this is just so the flower will to stay together.
And you can decorate the flowers with fun things!
Very simple flower, but cute and useful.

Marika “ioma” Lantz: Ah, smart!! Så långt tänkte ju inte jag! *s* Tack för tipset! Då kan man ju få vilket mönster man vill på blomman. Jag har ju även den där Tim Holtz-stansen som gör såna här remsor, men den har jag inte ens använt än… Men HA den skulle jag…